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本信息由 管理员于2017年12月19 日 发布 共 6497次访问

\r\n To do the most,\r\nto show the best”\r\n


\r\n 上海市桃浦中学 “To do the most, to show the best”主题英语演讲比赛 \r\n


\r\n 20171212日中午,我校2017“To\r\ndo the most, to show the best”主题英语演讲比赛于明志楼底楼报告厅顺利举行。出席此次比赛的领导嘉宾有副校长黄雅玲、教导处主任朱丽亚,评委团由我校外教Cary老师以及初中部全体英语老师组成。此次比赛的主题为“To\r\ndo the most, to show the best”,由“my\r\ndream”“an\r\nunforgettable experience”两个话题构成,来自初二、初一和预备年级的16位选手经过层层角逐,脱颖而出,参加决赛。\r\n

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\r\n “To\r\ndo the most, to show the best”, 2017 English Speech Contest of Taopu Middle\r\nSchool was held at 12:00 on December 12th in the hall of Mingzhi teaching\r\nbuilding successfully. Our Vice President Mrs. Huang Yaling and the director\r\nof the school educational administration Mrs. Zhu Liya attended this activity.\r\nThe judges are our foreign teacher Mr. Cary and all the English teachers. The\r\ntheme of this speech contest was “To do the most, to show the best”, and it\r\nconsisted of two topics “my dream” and “an unforgettable experience”. 16\r\ncontestants from Grade Six, Grade Seven and Grade Eight respectively gave their\r\nexcellent performances on the stage.\r\n

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\r\n 在外教Cary老师饱含深情、又鼓舞人心的开场白之后,比赛正式开始。比赛过程中,选手们怀穿着各自的梦想走上舞台,他们或落落大方或答答含羞,时而铿锵有力时而深情款款,抑扬顿挫的英文音符回荡在整个会场。他们结合着精美的幻灯片,将他们各自的梦想做了诠释,他们的个人魅力感染了全场,为台下的观众带来了一场英语视觉听觉盛宴。\r\n

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\r\n After\r\nthe touching and cheerful opening speech given by Mr. Cary, the contest began.\r\nWith their own dreams contestants walked to the stage and started their speech,\r\nconfident enough or a little shy, powerful enough or deeply touching. The hall\r\nis filled with the charm of English. They explained their own dreams with their\r\nfluent oral English and enthralled the whole audience with their individual charms.   \r\n

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\r\n 比赛结束时,黄雅玲副校长针对每位选手的发音准确度、语言流畅度以及回答评委提问时的反应灵敏度几个方面做出全面中肯的评价。经过激烈的比拼,初二年级郁梦婷、初一年级陈璇妮以及预备年级刘宇翔三位同学斩获一等奖,其他13名选手分别获得二、三等奖。\r\n

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\r\n At\r\nthe end of this contest, our Vice President gave comprehensive and pertinent\r\nconcluding remarks in terms of contestants’ pronunciation, fluency and reaction\r\nto judges’ questions. After the fierce competition, Yu Mengting from Grade\r\nEight, Chen Xuanni from Grade Seven and Liu Yuxiang from Grade Six won the\r\nfirst prize, and the rest of the contestants won the second and third prize\r\nrespectively.\r\n

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\r\n 此次比赛充分的调动了同学们对英语的积极性,同时大大丰富了校园英语文化气息。\r\n

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\r\n This\r\nEnglish speech contest has greatly aroused students’ learning interest and\r\nenriched the English cultural atmosphere in our campus.\r\n




